
5 Surprising Facts about Thunder

Thunder is a show apart! And in nature, they happen during thunderstorms. The rumbling and powerful sound of thunder can leave anyone in awe. But did you know that there is so much more to discover about these sonic rays? In this article, we’re going to explore five surprising facts about thunder that will make you even more fascinated by this natural phenomenon.

Thunder is a sound resulting from lightning

Thunder is the sound produced when lightning rapidly heats the air around it to extreme temperatures, expanding it rapidly. This sudden expansion creates a shock wave that propagates through the air, resulting in the rumbling sound we know as thunder. It is interesting to note that although we see the flash of lightning immediately, thunder takes some time to reach our ears, as sound travels more slowly than light.

The speed of thunder can be calculated

Have you ever heard that it is possible to calculate the distance of thunder? This is because the speed of sound in the air is constant. If you count the seconds between the flash of lightning and the sound of thunder and divide by three, you get the approximate distance in kilometers. For example, if you count ten seconds, the thunder is occurring approximately three kilometers away.

Thunder can be heard over long distances

Although the sound of thunder can seem deafening when it’s close, it can be heard over great distances. Under ideal conditions, thunder can be heard up to 16 kilometers away. This means that a thunderstorm can be heard even if it’s still a good distance away from where you are.

Thunder can have different sounds

Have you noticed that not all thunder sounds the same? Some can be short and snappy, while others can be long and blunt. These variations occur due to factors such as lightning distance, the shape and size of clouds, and the amount of moisture in the air. These differences in sound propagation can create a wide range of thunder sounds.

Thunder can cause echo

Like sound in other situations, thunder can also cause echoes under certain conditions. When thunder strikes a solid surface, such as a mountain or a building, some of the sound can be reflected and returned as an echo. This phenomenon can create an impressive sound effect, especially in mountainous areas.

Thunder is truly mesmerizing and reminds us of the power of nature. These curiosities show us that there is much more to learn about this sound phenomenon. When contemplating the thunder during a storm, we can appreciate even more the wonder and complexity of the natural world around us.

Photo by Philippe Donn