The 6 Best Horses in Red Dead Redemption II

Red Dead Redemption II offers a vast selection of horses for players to choose from and ride as they explore the Wild West. Each horse has its own unique traits and abilities. Here are some of the best horses available in the game:


Arabian horses are known for their elegance and speed. They are fast and agile, ideal for racing or escapes. In addition, they have good resistance and are easily controlled. Arabian horses are highly valued in the game due to their combination of speed and maneuverability.


Turkoman horses excel in combat situations. They have great stamina, are brave, and are resistant to damage. These horses are a great choice for taking on enemies or taking part in intense battles.

Missouri Fox Trotter

This breed of horse is known for its speed and smooth movements. Missouri Fox Trotter horses have a unique combination of speed and endurance, making them ideal for long journeys. They are stable and easy to control, giving you a pleasant riding experience.


If you’re looking for a sturdy, hardy horse, the Ardennes is a great choice. These horses are big, strong, and have good stamina. They are ideal for situations where you need a reliable horse that can handle rough terrain or haul heavy loads.


Andalusian horses are known for their beauty and grace. They have an excellent balance between speed and stamina. In addition, they have a calm personality and are easy to handle. Andalusian horses are great for riding casually and enjoying the scenery.

Hungarian Halfbred

This horse breed has great stamina and is known for its strength. Hungarian halfbred horses are stable and reliable in combat situations, and they are suitable for long journeys. They are a popular choice with players who want an all-around horse.

Each horse in Red Dead Redemption II has its own distinct attributes and traits. Choosing the best horse will depend on your play style and the activities you plan to do in the game. Try different breeds and find out which horse best suits your tastes and needs. After all, the relationship between an outlaw and his horse is an essential part of the Red Dead Redemption II experience.